
Stephanie Pasanen


Stephanie Pasanen other details
  • Looking For:
    Long-term / Serious relationship
  • Marital Status:
  • Religion:
  • Ethnicity:
    Caucasian / White
  • Height:
    5ft 8in, (173cm)
  • Body Type:
  • Eye Color:
  • Hair Color:
  • Smoker:
  • Education:
    Bachelor's / 4-Year Degree
  • Occupation:
    Teacher / Professor
  • Have Children:
    Yes, I have adult(or grown) children
  • How Important Is Location To Me?:
    Not at all / Willing to relocate
  • Languages:
  • How Active Are You In Bahá'í Activities?:
    Some What Active
  • Have Pets:
    Yes, I have a few pets
  • My Match:
    I am single, seeking a real friend, a real partner that loves and respects himself. Because of his own inner work, knows how to enjoy partnership, to enjoy a depth in a relationship that is profound.
  • About Me:
    I am an idealist organizer, driven to implement a vision of what is best for humanity. I am driven by values and vision, and am passionate about the possibilities for people.
    I tune into the needs of others, and want to engage to create an environment of support. I am concerned with making people feel cared for and fostering their growth. My compassion is not reserved just for the people in their immediate vicinity, I feel genuine concern for the ills of the entire human race.
    Experiencing happiness and laughter is a priority, I look forward to sharing that with you in our meaningful communications.
  • My Interests:
    hiking, swimming, sailing, camping, canoeing, organic farming/gardening, cooking, dancing, enjoying nature, sustainable living and sharing time with animals, learning, adventure, discovery, travel, and much more to add to this list